

Specimen Type Test Requisition Container             Notes                                                                                               
Bile of duodenal aspirate Ova and parasites MS 331

 Sterile container

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: This test should be requested when duodenal aspirates are sent for examination.

 Blood Amoeba serology  MS 331

6mL Orange top, SST; 2mL microcontainer for neonates

Specimen Holding Temperature: 4°C

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: One tube is sufficient for 3 serological tests.

 Blood  Blood parasite  MS 331

 2 x 5 mL blood in Lavender top, EDTA

Specimen Holding Temperature: 4°C

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7-10 days
Notes: N/A
 Blood  Filaria   MS 331

 2 x 5 mL blood in Lavender top, EDTA

Specimen Holding Temperature: 4°C

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
Corneal scraping, Contact lens and solution Acanthamoeba MS 331

 Collect specimen in 2 mL of sterile saline and prepare one glass slide smear.

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: Smear: 48 hours;  Culture: 1 week
Faeces (Stool) Cryptosporidia / Microsporidia MS 331

 Parasitology sodium acetate formalin (SAF) stool fixative kit

Specimen Holding Temperature: 4°C

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
Faeces (Stool) Ova and parasites MS 331

 Parasitology SAF (sodium acetate formalin) fixative kit and a sterile container

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature or 4°C

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Faeces (Stool) Schistosoma hatch test MS 331

 Sterile container, fresh stool

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
Faeces (Stool) Strongyloides culture MS 331

 Sterile container, fresh stool

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
Mid-day urine Ova and parasites (Schistosomiasis) MS 331

 Sterile container

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
 Pinworm or scotch tape preparation  Examination for Enterobius vermicularis  MS 331

Scotch tape kit or Starplex container with paddle

Specimen Holding Temperature: 4°C

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
Skin fluid / tissue juice  Slit skin smears  MS 331

Concave slides

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

 Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: Call Tropical Diseases Clinic
 Skin snips  Skin snips  MS 331

Sterile container

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

 Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
Tissue and biopsy  Leishmania culture  MS 331

Culture tube

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

 Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab
Expected Time for Results: 3 - 4 weeks
Notes: N/A
 Worm / Insect  Worm / Insect for ID  MS 331

Sterile container

Specimen Holding Temperature: Room Temperature

Area: Parasitology
Refer Out: Provincial Health Lab.
Expected Time for Results: 7 - 10 days
Notes: N/A
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