
Community Resources and Directories

In this folder you will find directories for psychogeriatric community services and referral forms.
Psychogeriatric Quick Resource Guide A two pager that outlines psychogeriatric resources for both the patient and the caregiver according to need.
Psychogeriatric Out Patient Clinics A directory for psychogeriatric outpatient clinics in the Toronto Central area including: description of services, contact information, wait times and catchment area.
Memory Clinics A directory for memory clinics in the Toronto Central area including: description of services, contact information, wait times and catchment area.
Community Psychogeriatric Outreach Teams A directory for Community Psychogeriatric Outreach services in the Toronto Central area including: description of services, contact information, wait times and catchment area.
BehavioUr Support Services  
Capacity and Dementia Directory A directory for different capacity and dementia related services and useful links.
Driving On-road Assessment Services Directory
Driving On-road Assessment Services Directory
Palliative Care Services - Directory
A directory for both In-home and In-patient palliative care services.
Caregiver Support Services - Directory
Caregiver Support Services - Directory
CulturaLly Sensitive Directories In this folder you will find directories that target services that accommodate language and culturally sensitive services for specific communities.
Referral forms inventory A collection of referral forms for specialty services and community services.
FINANCIAL & LEGAL rESOURCES FOR sENIORS & CAREGIVERS Financial and Legal Resources for Seniors and Caregivers - Directory