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Simulation Workshop/Immersive Learning


The simulation workshop provides participants with an opportunity to increase their knowledge and capacities to effectively respond to the specific needs of women with disabilities accessing breast cancer screening through experiential case scenarios.  Participants will have repeated practice engaging with and receiving feedback from Standardized Patients (SP).  SPs are professional actors who are specially trained to play a variety of roles that facilitate experiential learning of healthcare professionals.  If SPs are not available, the workshop can be developed using role-playing techniques with staff.  Alternatively, community agencies involved in disability advocacy (for example, Centres for Independent Living), could be contacted and asked if they would like to participate.

Program Overview

The workshop consists of three main sections:  introduction/orientation, four patient scenarios; and participant debrief and group discussion.  The workshop is designed to be 4 hours in length.  Four patient scenarios involving women with disabilities in a breast imaging clinic have been developed and SPs were trained to play the patient roles.  The scenarios are based on stories told by real women coming for cancer screening.  The aim of the workshop is for participants to engage the patient and practice communicating with them.  This is done in small groups of 2-4, so participants have four opportunities to practice engaging with the patient and observe a colleague doing the same.


Learning Objectives

The learning objectives for the Simulation Workshop Program are:
1. Communicate clearly and appropriately with women with disabilities, 
     their caregivers, and their attendants in a variety of clinical situations.
2. Identify common challenges experienced by women with disabilities
     accessing breast cancer screening, and respond compassionately and 
     supportively during clinical encounters.
3. Provide assistance to women with disabilities on an as-needed basis,
     in accordance with their professional scope of responsibilities.
4. Reflect on common misconceptions and prevalent stereotypes about
     disabilities and the impact of these on interactions during clinical
     encounters on an on-going basis. 


• Planning, Equipment and Resources

• Facilitator Instructions


Facilitated Discussion Program

Short Presentations