
Psychiatry in Cancer Care

When someone experiences a sudden medical illness, like a cancer diagnosis, the health crisis can be a life-changing experience. Patients may grapple with many challenging questions as they try to negotiate this change:

  • How do I cope with my diagnosis?
  • How can I manage the new feelings of fear, worry or sadness?
  • How do I change my daily routine to adapt to my illness and treatment?
  • What will my life be like after treatment?
  • How do I speak with my partner and family about this?

The Department of Psychiatry’s Consultation-Liaison Service is available at Mount Sinai Hospital to support patients as they work through the challenges of managing concerns that could arise in the wake of a diagnosis.

Dr. Jon Hunter, head of the Consultation-Liaison Service at Mount Sinai Hospital and of Psychosocial Services in Mount Sinai’s Marvelle Koffler Breast Centre, is an integral part of the interdisciplinary cancer care team.

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