
Managing Pain

Pain is sometimes a symptom associated with cancer. Each person feels cancer pain differently. Only you know how your pain feels and its effect on you – there is no right or wrong when it comes to cancer pain. The pain of cancer may come from the tumour itself, or the way the cancer is affecting other parts of your body. Some tests, procedures or medications can cause pain. Whatever the origin of your pain, getting good pain relief is essential. It can help you sleep better, eat better and improve your quality of life. You deserve to be as free from pain as possible. If you are experiencing pain, talk to your health care team.

The experts at Cancer Care Ontario have created a guide for people who have cancer-related pain. It can be used by patients, their family, friends or caregivers as a good place to start to learn more. It does not replace advice from your health care team.

How to Manage Your Pain

A patient guide from Cancer Care Ontario