
Dementia Toolkit for Primary Care

On this page you will find a toolkit and resources specifically designed for primary care. Each link opens a folder with documents available for download. This toolkit is an extension of the GiiC toolkit of the RGP

Dementia toolkit icon



Assessment and Screening Tools Resources include: Overview guide, flow chart, selected assessment tools, related articles and other resources

Diagnosis of Dementia

Resources include: Diagnosis disclosure aid for the Family Physician, File Dementia Information Sheets,  Memory Clinic Brain Map tool.


Resources include: Causes for delirium, a quick reference
and quick facts, delirium and medications, the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) 

Dementia and Medication Management

Resources include: Facts and figures, tips for safe medication use and a patient handout.
Depression and Dementia  

Responsive Behaviours in Dementia

Resources include: Non-pharmacological assessment and Management of Behavioural and Psychological, file meanings and solutions and other selected assessment tools

Driving Safety and Dementia

Resources include: Driving safety aid - 10 item checklist, patient notification form, on-road driving assessment services directory, medical condition report

Capacity and Dementia

Resources include: Capacity assessment aid, capacity and dementia directory and additional information

Caregiver Support

Resources include: Caregiver guide and services directory

Palliative Care and Dementia

Resources include: Caregiver guide, services directory, Palliative Performance Scale, referral forms and additional information

Billing Codes and Dementia

Resources include: Dementia billing codes colourcoded and organized by topics.