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Your Care Team

Your Care Team

We are committed to providing all patients with safe, high-quality and compassionate care. Mount Sinai is both a clinical care centre and a teaching hospital, which means that you will be cared for by a medical team. Here are some of the health professionals you may meet during your hospital visit.

During your stay you may be seen by the following members of the care team:

  • Attending physician (the doctor responsible for your complete medical care)
  • Resident (a doctor continuing their education to specialize in one field of medicine)
  • Medical student (a student doctor in their final year of medical school)

Attending physicians work on a rotation system so it is possible your care may not be supervised by the same physician throughout your stay. However, be assured that each attending physician is fully informed of your health care needs.

If your surgeon or specialist is not assigned as your attending physician, they are encouraged to visit you regularly in the hospital and to keep in close touch with the attending physician. You may also call your personal physician to tell them about your hospital stay. If you have questions about these arrangements, please speak to your primary nurse, personal physician, or attending physician.

Registered nurses play an essential role in your care while you are here. They help assess your condition regularly, administer and monitor treatments and medications, discuss all aspects of your care with you, and make sure your physician is aware of any concerns.

In addition, registered nurses regularly provide expertise and offer support to patients and families. They work collaboratively with the broader health care team to ensure you receive the best care possible.

Our dietitians work with the medical team to assess, develop and implement nutrition care plans for patients. If you require special nutritional care because of a condition, injury or illness, they will help you choose the best food for your needs, monitor what you eat and whatever supplements you might be taking, and make sure you understand any important instructions.

Occupational therapists might work with you if you have physical, cognitive, mental and environmental challenges. Their goal is to help you be as independent as possible in everyday activities. They might help you learn, or relearn, how to perform certain activities, provide your family or caregiver with education and support, or connect you to helpful community resources.

As part of a multi-disciplinary team, inpatient physiotherapists work with patients from pre-admission through to discharge, providing assessment, treatment, education and consultation. Physiotherapists also assist with discharge planning including referral to home-care physiotherapy services. Inpatient physiotherapy services include respiratory, medical, orthopedic, post-surgical and neurological care.

Registered respiratory therapists (RRTs) assess, monitor and treat individuals with respiratory and cardiac disorders. RRTs can be found in our intensive care unit, neonatal unit, operating rooms, general wards, coronary care unit and emergency department. RRTs treat patients of all ages, from caring for infants and children to adults, including geriatric patients.

Our spiritual care professionals are trained to offer multi-faith spiritual care and support. We respect your right and the rights of all people to their individual beliefs and religious affiliations. For more information, please call 416-586-4800, ext. 8567. Visit our Spiritual Care page for more information.

Social workers help patients and families cope with the stress and difficult decisions often associated with illness and hospitalization. We have a wide range of services, including counselling and support as well as assistance with discharge planning and arranging of community services to ensure continuity of care. You can contact the Social Work Department at 416-586-4800, ext. 5201.

Bioethicists at Mount Sinai Hospital are available to provide consultation services to our patients, families and staff regarding specific ethical problems in patient care or health care delivery. The bioethicist can be reached at 416-586-4800, ext. 2163. Visit our Ethics page for more information.