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Departments Supporting Clinical Placements

Your clinical placement is supported by the G.P Turner Nursing Department and several other departments to ensure your experience at Mount Sinai is outstanding. As such, it is important that you become familiar with the following departmental information, policies and links.

Human Rights and Health Equity

The role of Human Rights and Health Equity Office is to advance human rights issues at the hospital through training, complaint resolution, policy development and review of systems and procedures. It works to ensure a harassment and discrimination free work environment and hospital services that are accessible to the whole community.

Infection Control

Effective infection control depends on the knowledge and collaboration of all staff in the hospital. Policies, patient brochures, isolation precautions signs, and other information can be found under “Infection control” on the MSH intranet site, which can be accessed on any computer within Mount Sinai Hospital. http://info/microbiology/InfectionControl/home.html

It is highly recommended that you review the Infection Control Intranet site once you begin your clinical placement. If you have questions about infection control or infectious disease transmission, please speak to your clinical instructor, preceptor or NUA of the unit.
See our communicable disease policies