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N95 Respirator Fit Testing

We encourage all staff who may be needed in clinical/ambulatory areas who are overdue/or have never been N95 respirator fit tested, or are due now or by January 2010, to sign up for a for a fit testing session.  If you are not sure, your manager has a report on the last date of your fit testing and type of respirator.

You should also be retested if any of the following apply to you:

  • weight change (gain or loss) since last testing 
  • dental work that may have changed the shape of your jaw 
  • change to the integrity of your nose (broken, shifted off center) or any change that may have altered the shape of your face especially the area of the nose and chin 
  • in the second and third trimester of pregnancy or returning from maternity leave

Testing sessions are found through "My Learning @MSH" or you can email or call Allan Morris, Safety Specialist, [email protected] , ext. 7115.