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Research Ethics Board

The Research Ethics Board is recruiting new members. Click here to learn more.

The Mount Sinai Hospital Research Ethics Board (REB) oversees all research involving human subjects conducted under the auspices of Mount Sinai Hospital to ensure that such research meets the highest scientific and ethical standards in order to protect patients, investigators and the institution.

In total, the Board is responsible for approving and monitoring an estimated 350 new studies each year involving human subjects as well as monitoring ongoing studies lasting in excess of one year.

Overarching Principles of Ethical Review

Ethics are principles of right conduct guiding “what ought to be done”. In the context of the Tri-Council Policy Statement 2, the REB subscribes to following ethical principles that are commonly held and valued by diverse research disciplines:

  • Respect for Persons which recognizes the intrinsic value of human beings and the respect and consideration that they are due; considers how people of all ages are treated as research participants; incorporates the moral obligations to respect autonomy; and protects those with developing, impaired or diminished autonomy.

  • Concern for Welfare which considers the impact on individuals of factors including physical, mental and spiritual health, as well as their physical, economic and social circumstances; encompasses factors including privacy and control of information about the person and the assessment of foreseeable risks and benefits; and the treatment of data and human biological materials according to the free, informed and ongoing consent of the person who was the source of the information and materials.

  • Justice which recognizes the obligation to treat people fairly and equitably.

All research involving human subjects within Mount Sinai Hospital (MSH) requires approval of the MSH Research Ethics Board prior to the initiation of a research project. The MSH REB has similar responsibility for investigators from other institutions who may wish to carry out research on Mount Sinai Hospital premises or with Mount Sinai Hospital patients.

In the event that an investigator cannot determine whether an intended investigation constitutes research (for instance, quality assurance/improvement projects do not constitute research), the investigator should approach the Research Ethics Board office for a determination. For determinations related to quality assurance or quality improvement projects, please complete the Screening Determination Form and submit it to [email protected] for review.

For other inquiries, please contact the REB Office at 416-586-4875 or [email protected]. Providing such consultation on ethics matters is part of the responsibility of the Board.

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The Mount Sinai Hospital Research Ethics Board (REB) is recruiting new members for a renewable 2-year term involving a 3-4 hour commitment per month. The Board has reviewed over 7000 new research studies in the past 20 years, and with the increased emphasis on research in an environment of increased competition and new regulatory demands, the need for high quality ethical review of proposed research has never been more important. Increasingly these studies require full board review because of their complexity and risk.

We need staff physicians, research fellows, nurses, pharmacists, clinical research staff, and epidemiologists. All specialties are invited. While it is helpful to have members who are knowledgeable in research, it is just as important to have members who are primarily clinicians. The REB members are critical to the success of research with human participants so that Sinai Health can continue to provide its patients with the best medicine through translational research.

If you or your staff are interested in serving as a board member of Mount Sinai's Research Ethics Board, please contact the REB Office at 416-586-4875 or email Nushrat Sultana at [email protected], or Kathleen Austin at [email protected].

Find Us

map icon Mount Sinai Hospital Research Ethics Board
Hydro Building (OPG)
700 University Avenue, Suite 8-600
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1Z5
telephone icon 416-586-4875
fax icon 416-586-4715
email icon [email protected]


Bibi Hack
Administrative Coordinator
T: 416-586-4875
[email protected]

Beren Avci
Research Ethics Coordinator
T: 416-586-4800 ext. 4333
[email protected]

Nushrat Sultana
Research Ethicist
T: 416-586-4800 ext. 4687
[email protected]

Kathleen Austin
Manager/Research Ethicist
T: 416-586-4800 ext. 4726
[email protected]

REB Chair Contact Information:

Dr. Vibhuti Shah, Chair
T: 416-586-4875